Let me just say that I sit here feeling oh-so blessed from a fabulous night out celebrating 6 years of marriage with a wonderful man. My parents graciously offered to watch Declan all night (over night) and take him to church so we had no time constrictions. It was our first night away from him and I held up well.
We spent the first part of our evening out at a local winery. They had great live music and we settled in to cozy table with our favorite bottle of their wine (P.okey Red...yummmm). Here's a few pics I forced Mark to take we took at the vineyard.
...walking through the vineyard...

...the view from our table...

...eating some cheese, chocolate and bread with our wine...

...my handsome hubby...

...me enjoying beautiful weather and yummy wine...

We headed down town to our Hay.market for dinner. We opted for our favorite restaurant, La.zlos, which happens to be across the street from where we held our wedding reception 6 years ago. The waiter took this picture. The train station is in the background but it was so late and the screen to block the sun stole my "this is our reception location behind us" view of this picture. Oh well. Again, great seats, wonderful weather, delicious food, fabulous company. Please ignore that the automatic red eye corrector makes me look like a demon. I though turning it to black and white would remedy the issue but, no, still scary looking.

We walked over to I.vanna Cone. If you're local you know it's the
best homemade ice cream ever. It was getting late but we had no kiddo to pick up so we walked to a coffee house and sat outside and talked while we inhaled our yummy ice cream goodness. It was so fun just to laugh and talk and not worry about bedtimes and diaper changes. On our way home we mistakingly got in the left lane of a car show going through our main street in town. What should have been a 5 minute jaunt to a near RedBox to get a movie turned in to a 30+ minute slow roll past crowds of people in our Jeep.Liberty. Yeah, we couldn't compare with the cool restored cars but we pretending everyone was digging our sweet ride.
The night ended perfectly (or should I say morning) with a movie in our big (new) comfy king sized bed.
Ahhh..a perfect date. Yes sir.