This vacation is aaa-mazing. We've been doing so much- not all of which will make it in to this blog tonight because, honestly, my tummy is full of thai food and my PJs are on and I'm about to zone off soon. Relaxation nation.
Last night we had the best sushi I've ever tasted. All the seafood here has been incredible. I think it's because I'm used to the subpar seafood shipped to the midwest. Here's the good stuff:
My sister-in-law and I. She's 18 weeks pregnant and adorable.
The brothers. Can you tell? My hubby on the left and his brother on the right.
We took in a little put-put golf. It was a fun course to make fun of the entire 18 holes. It was the crappiest kept course I've ever been cans everywhere, overgrown vegetation, sewage filled "ponds", etc. Ha! Good times, regardless. I did get the only hole-in-one of the night but I also happened to come in 4th place (last for those who wondered).
Here we are dominating at put-put :). Sweatshirts in August? Yes Seatte.
And if we couldn't jam more activities in to one day, we also hit happy hour at this funky restaurant called Matidor. One of the perks of Decs staying home is not caring about time. Drinks at 11pm?? Sure thing. Mariokart until 1am? Sounds good.
Our friends and fellow Nebraskans Ben & Whitney joined us for drinks. Here's the girlies. That may or may not have been me starting my 2nd margarita.
Today we went back to Pike Place Market because it's just that cool. I love culture and this city drips and culture at every turn. We ate a delicious lunch (the food theme in our vacation is starting to get embarrassing). Here are some pics from the market. I love my new camera and the details I can capture. The fresh produce and straight out bizarre attractions were great to practice my novice skills.
Yes, it's a mid air fish catching shot. Sweeeet.
One of the most interesting, disgusting and coolest things we saw today was the gum wall.
Oh, and we totally participated. :)
Today we headed over to the mall to get a long sleeved something or other because I've been wearing my GAP green zip up that's 5 years old and falling apart for 4 days because it's so chilly. Anywho, we found a couple cute things and enjoyed, yes, another delicious dinner. Thank goodness we're walking A LOT so I don't have to buy an extra seat on the way home to accommodate vacation weight gain.
And, just because it's rad, here's a sign we saw down town: