

I've always been interested in sign language and knew I wanted to teach my kiddo how to sign. I started early with Decs and for months and months had zero luck. One day, he started picking up on it. I really credit signing to helping us communicate with a toddler that had lots to say and no words. Now, he signs and speaks. It's adorable. 


"All Done" (though clearly not done evidenced by the apple in hand and mouth)

He also uses "drink", "thank you", "milk" and "cracker". I'm trying to teach him "help" and some potty signals. If you haven't thought of signing or are frustrated with trying, I encourage you to keep on it. It's been really rewarding to be able to communicate, especially before he talked.

Side note- it was 65 degrees today. Pure bliss. Tomorrow? Snow and 30s. Boooo.


Rebekah said...

The only one Ty is doing consistently is . He started doing it correctly, but once the clapping started he thinks that's more fun. I let him roll with it. At least WE know what he means :)

Signing has been really important for us because Ty tends to get aggressive when he's looking for more food. The kicking and pounding just wasnt working for me! :) Now that he can do we won't give him more food until he asks nicely. It's amazing at 9 months how much they understand are able to communicate!

Anonymous said...

He always has a mischeveous twinkle in his eye u are blessed to have such a cute baby boy :)

Anonymous said...

He always has a mischeveous twinkle in his eye u are blessed to have such a cute baby boy :)