[Christmas Eve]
Blessed by beautiful music and a message of the true reason we celebrate.
Hosted in-laws with homemade chili, good conversation and endless Declan entertainment.
[Christmas Morning]
New traditions with our little family of 3.
Sleeping in, new pajamas, Christmas tunes, biscuits with honey butter.
Absolute bliss.
[Christmas Day]
All our immediate family together (my side) for the first time in forever!
Traditional gumbo dinner.
Watching Home Alone and tons of laughter.
[December 26]
Husband's extended family join over pizza.
Crazy chaos with lots of people and kids = love.
Took a long way home to look at lights or "big Ights" according to Decs.
[December 27]
Finally, Christmas with my husband's family.
3 little ones that wouldn't nap.
2 (older) little ones pretty excited about new loot.
2 (older) little ones decorating gingerbread houses.
Chinese food, laughter, cheesecake and fun. (Until Declan melted down and forced us to leave in lightening speed. Asleep the second his head hit the pillow).
I can't believe how blessed I am sometimes.
In addition to amazing family, seeing Christmas through the eyes of a child is priceless.
Now that the busyness is settling, can someone come take down my tree, clean my house and do my laundry? Pretty please?