
Worst timing...

So for those of you in the adoption game or those who have gone through the adoption process, you know that the "final" home study (that is an actual tour and interview in your home) is a BIGGIE. I've heard story after story of people cleaning and organizing their brains out. Some stories of people finishing lingering projects, sprucing landscaping, etc.  Well, here we are T Minus 2 days and I'm sick. Ug. Yes, a really fun "sore-throat-swollen-gland-piercing-ear-pain-super-tired" sickness. So most my projects will go undone. Our case worker will have to leave her white glove at home and overlook some less than perfect spots in our humble abode.  I know that I am probably putting way more pressure on myself than necessary, but I had high hopes of a sparkling clean home. Oh well. It's decently clean and straightened. It will have to do. I will update after our final home study Wednesday. Can't believe we'll be DONE after that. Oh yeah- birth mom is due in 37 days. Please continue to pray for her and birth dad as the final days of her pregnancy draw near. They will be making the hardest decision of their lives. Also, please pray for peace for Mark and I whether they chose the adoption plan they've made or if they change their mind and parent. God's in charge. (I have to repeat this constantly but I know it to be totally true). 


nickoletta100 said...

I hope your home study goes really well!! It will be wonderful to have it done with!

Bri said...

Don't worry - the caseworker really wont care at all as long as your home is safe. The first thing our caseworker asked when she walked into our home is "is it always this clean?" "No," was our immediate response!

Tracey said...


happymomof4 said...

We have adopted two children and gone through the homestudy and with our first one we were the same way you were feeling. We had drinks and snacks prepared and everything was just so etc... She didn't touch the snacks and we too put way too much pressure on ourselves. It truly is just to see you in your home environment and make sure that it is safe etc... I hope that you feel better and have a great home study experience-looking forward to reading about it!

Deb said...

Hope you're feeling better quickly.
Our home study wasn't that bad. She didn't even look in the cabinets.

Hope all goes well tomorrow.

N7 said...

UGHHHHHHHHHH WHY DID THE SICK FAIRY COME VISIT YOUUUUUU??? I'm sorry- it is crappy timing but your final report will be A+ across the board so dont worry!
Praying that everything stays swinging in such a positive direction!!! Hugs :)

Rebekah said...

So sorry you're sick! Your case worker won't even notice the un-done projects. Ours barely said two words about the house! Most of her comments were about how much she liked the decor!

Oh...and I continually have to remind myself that God is in charge, too! :)

Kristin said...

geez, I get all choked up every time I read about their hard decision and your "unknown". You make me proud. And, you're being real with the house being good, clean and tidy but not perfect. :) Get better!