
History in the making...

I'm sadden to hear the "world is ending" comments from (some) fellow Christians and Republicans. With all that said, though I'm thrilled for our new President, I'm thankful that my hope is in God, not man. No matter the name you wrote on your ballot this year, it's hard to deny the optimistic vibration of our country.

I was choked up during the inauguration with my son on my lap. I'm proud to be an American. I'm proud to say with even more confidence: "you can be anything you want to be." I'm thankful for change and a new start. I'm thankful for a leader like President Obama and can't wait to see what is to come (he's got a lot on his plate, no doubt)!

I will never forget this moment:


Rene said...

I totally understand that if you're not excited about the policies this President is going to put in place, then it is hard to be excited for him. But we can appreciate the history and that, personal preferences aside, he is the President and as Americans we must stand beside him.

I agree that God holds us in His hands and the our hope is in Him. He clearly spells out the end of times in the Bible so I think it is safe to say that he is using all of this to set up for the day when he ultimately comes back!

Sarah M said...

now that is like, the PERFECT scrapbook picture--history in the making, little dude!!

Amber D. said...

Love that you documented the moment with Dec. I also took some pics of the kids watching. It is so exciting to be an AMERICAN!

Angie said...

CUTE! Holly slept through it... I almost took a picture and should have but, so goes. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Evie was watching, too! It's amazing how Obama's oratory skills are powerful enough to keep the attention of infants :) I know where you're coming from; I'm watching the Inauguration today in a household of right-leaning family and it's frustrating to hear the negative comments at a time when we should be looking to the future with hope. You are so right that it's a relief to trust God and not man.

E said...

Cool picture! It is disappointing that some can only be negative about the new administration instead of hopeful for our country. But, I guess I was pretty negative for the last 8 years. I think I did a good job waiting until it was warranted though.

Melba said...

I love this picture and your words! I am also sad that some people are nothing but negative, but the renewed sense of hope I feel cancels that out. Plus, I agree with Eileen that I had some pretty negative moments throughout the past eight years...I suppose they are entitled to have theirs now too.


Rebekah Wilson said...

great picture. This is a picture that he will cherish I am sure.

No matter who you are, it is hard not to be inspired by a new begining.

Erin said...

Great photo of Decs and Obama - history in the making! And thank you for your wise voice of reason amidst the permeating negativity of the new administration and lack of awe in the historic events that are unfolding in front of our eyes from many of those in the midwest. We can all hope in a brighter future for our children and do the work necessary to be good citizens of our country - regardless of our opinion of leadership.

Thanks, Ashley!