
PTing and other denial...

Yes, I did seriously just post this picture at the risk of my son hating me when he's 16 and it resurfaces.
Yes, he does walk on his toes all the time and his calves are ridiculously muscular.

I really wanted to wait until Decs was 3 to start potty training. I heard/read it's much easier for boys when they are older. Despite my desires, Deckers continues to do things at HIS pace. We are [very] casually entering in to the world of PTing. We'll see when things "click". The sticker chart is bare, the toy bin is overflowing and the candy rewards have not yet been touched. Not for lack of effort, though. Declan sits on the potty many, many times a day. We read "Once Upon a Potty", make pee enticing noises, talk about going and go through all the motions. Still, #1 or #2 have not yet met the water. We'll keep at it and hope this doesn't stretch until he's 4. 

Add to the list of denials:
-Declan plays Wii with Mark and actually gets the buttons and stuff.

Can I bottle up my toddler to savor a bit longer before he's a full fledged boy?! 

Stay tuned for the "Adventures of Taking a Paci Cold Turkey" this weekend. Should be good times. 


mdh said...

i don't know much about potty training, or anything related to parenting, really. i am, however, a pretty good judge of cuteness. and ashley... your kid is super cute. :)

Breen said...

Does Decs walk on his tippy toes when he wears shoes too? The only reason I ask is because I baby sat a kid who only walked on his tippy toes and had to have surgery to correct it. They didn't do the surgery until he was in puberty for some reason but he was in casts afterwards to continue to fix it.

Ashley said...

Breen, yes he does. All the time: in shoes, not in shoes. Hoping he can grow out of it. Our doc doesn't seem worried but I guess I should do some looking in to it...